"Tales of Rashidun" is a book project dedicated to Muslim children. The books from this project aspire to help kids learn about the great things in the Islamic world – its history, culture, heritage, heroes, etc. With real stories and its glorious history, this project wants to make Muslim children feel proud of their culture and understand its present struggle better.
Many Muslim kids know more about superheroes from Western comics than about their own culture and history. This project wants to change that by teaching them about real-life heroes, Islamic history, and traditions. It's important for kids to know where they come from and what makes their culture special.
These books will cover topics like Islamic history, famous people, delicious foods, and important places. Moreover, these books will show kids the amazing things in the Islamic world that make up our unique identity.
These books are for Muslim children of all ages created to teach kids and everyone else about Islamic culture, history, and heroes so that they understand the glory of Islam.
Unlike comics and other books in the school curriculum, these books will focus on real stories and facts about Islamic culture. Moreover, to engage children and make reading fun, these books will have interesting illustrations.
The “Tales of Rashidun” aims to create and publish thought-provoking and inspiring books that represent the real Islamic world, its heroes, glories, and culture that inform the present generation about their proud roots. Though the primary audience is the young generation it also aims to resonate with a broad audience, offering valuable insights, and the real-world scenario beyond the West’s fabricated reality and history. By presenting the Islamic heritage, culture, history, and inspirations, it aspires to bring about a positive impact for a more united Islamic world.
This project aims to create age-appropriate and diverse children's books that cater specifically to Muslim children, featuring inclusive representation, modern and relatable stories, proper gender representation, and tackling misconceptions about Islam and Muslims. By doing that, it will address present gaps in realistic children’s books that are not available in the market.
Yes, but initially, the project aspires to reach out to children through online channels where they can get the books for free. However, we are hopeful to see these books in schools, libraries, and Islamic centers so that more kids can read them and learn about Islamic culture.
You can support the project by spreading the word about it, donating, or helping in any way you can. The more people know about it, the more successful it can be.
We strongly believe that the impact of this project will transcend generations. These books will become cherished companions, opening doors to conversations between parents and children, friends and neighbors. They will form the foundation for discussions on history, faith, culture, and unity and most importantly as a Muslim where we stood and where we stand now – discussions that will forge deeper connections within our communities and promote understanding in a world too often divided.